daily supplements

It’s been a couple of years since I started taking daily supplements. At the time, I was sick all the time and I got tired of it. I try to stick to healthy lifestyle, but sometimes life gets in the way. Click to read the full post! 
Since then, I’ve incorporated a few supplements into my morning routine. Some are everyday staples, like my vitamins, while others are more punctual things, like grapefruit extract.Here’s the break down:
Multi vitamins
Every morning, I take my multi vitamins. These supplements are quite the talk of the town. Some say they are wonderful while other insist that they are not as efficient as vitamins found in fruits or vegetables. While I agree that these do not substitute fresh produces, I’ve really noticed a difference since I started taking them. I have more energy and I feel a bit stronger health wise. I like the Fushi ones.
SpirulinaAs a teenager, I use to take spirulina during exams sessions. I am a really stressed person and I don’t get a lot of sleep at night. I recently started taking spirulina again and I forgot how good it felt. I feel like I have more energy during the day and I get more things done. My favorite is this one.
MagnesiumAlways listen to your mum. Mine used to go on and on about magnesium. Of course, it came in one ear, and out the other. Until my doctor recently encouraged me to start taking a magnesium supplement. I struggle a lot with stress and anxiety and I end up with bad muscle ache. Two tabs of magnesium have significantly reduced the pain and I make sure to always have it with me if I know I might be stressed out. I currently use Ergymag but I also love this one from Nature’s own.
Grapefruit extractI once overheard mothers talking about the benefits of grapefruit seed extracts on their children and it caught my attention. These miracle drops were supposed to be good at reinforcing your health and fight the common cold. The same day, I headed over to my local organic store and purchased a tiny bottle. I am on my third now and I love it. I add a few drops in a glass of water each morning and especially when someone around me is sick and I am convinced that it makes the difference!
One last thing before I let you go, try to get organic supplements if you can. They are not always more expensive than the drugstore version but make a whole difference!
P.S: keep in mind that I am not a doctor nor a nutritionist. Always seek medical advice before trying something new. 


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