Call me weird, but I actually love to pack. A couple of years ago, packing was my worst nightmare. I would always end up with the heaviest suitcase and never touch half of what I packed. It was driving me mad to carry around so much stuff with me that I decided to get organized and make the whole travel experience that much more enjoyable. And, trust me or not, I might havecaught the packing flu (is there such a thing?)
I find that with a bit of organization and prep, I can travel stress free and still have everything I need with me. Last summer, I shared with you my guide to packing for a summer holiday, and today I am telling you all about packing your beauty stash… in video!
Fear not, the video is long but I go over everything, from makeup bags to palettes and my tips for packing your favorite beauty products… Plus, I made a handy PDF checklist with all my must-haves as well as a couple of tips! So, pour yourself a glass of lemonade and get cosy!
Where have you fint this beautiful flower travel bag and what’s name on this travel bag ?