Current hair routine

current hair routine

If I had to pick the one thing I get asked about all the time, it has to be my hair. Whether is one of my friends that wants to know which shampoo I recommend or subscribers comments on my Youtube videos that ask for hair tutorials, I am always more than happy to help!

Since my last hair care video, a lot has changed in my routine. I use less products (but still a lot) but I now fully understand what makes hair healthy, shiny and overall happy. Curious to know my tips & tricks? Then click play!

ps: don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel to be notified whenever I upload a new video!




  1. Katia
    November 25, 2014 / 22:08

    Hello, Axelle! This is my favorite video by you so far. Thank you for making it. You said you don’t wash your hair everyday, how do you keep it so nice when you have to go for a shower? Do you let it get wet and re-style it or wear a shower cap? Even if I don’t wash my hair everyday either, as soon as I get out of the shower, it looks like a disaster. I would love it if you could share how you deal with this. Also, any hair tips for bedtime? Having sensitive skin, I’m always afraid that I’ll end up with spray and styling products on my face from rubbing it against my pillow, and so this sometimes causes that I wash my hair everyday.
    I know this is a long message. Thanks again and hopefully you have some good tips!

    • November 26, 2014 / 17:29

      Dear Katia,
      First of all, thank you for your comment!!
      Here are some answers 🙂

      Whenever I get in the shower but don’t wash my hair, I simply do a really messy bun and fix it in place with a tight hair band. I also make sure to put the shower head a bit lower to not get water on my neck. And, although I did get a really cool shower cap from Soap & Glory, I honestly can’t deal with those things!
      If you hair tend to get frizzy because of the heat, maybe try using a tiny bit of serum before heading in the shower!
      If I am going to the gym, I try to do it on a hair wash day and, if I am going for a run, I wear a really cute headband from Lululemon to avoid sweaty disasters 🙂

      Something new I recently started doing, is putting my hair up in a bun before going to bed. It really cuts down styling time as it helps to lock my curls in place. The only thing to remember here is to use one of those stretchy ribbon hair bands as they don’t create weird creases in the hair!

      Hope this was helpful and please, do not hesitate to ask further questions if you have any 🙂


  2. Katia
    January 3, 2015 / 06:20

    Bonjour, Axelle !
    Thank you for taking the time to reply. Your advice has been very helpful and accurate! Especially for these winter months.
    On another note, I’ve been following your blog for quite a bit now, and I have to say that I’ve found the recent content very inspiring. Keep up the awesome work. You seem very passionate about what you do and seem to put a lot of effort and creativity into it. I really enjoyed watching your weekly vlogs, by the way! I think it takes a lot of courage to share something that might be a little more personal with your audience, but that is even more inspiring as it shows you as you are.
    I wish you the best in this new year and send warm thoughts your way for a speedy and full recovery.
    Get ready to shine brighter, girl!
    Greetings from Canada 🙂

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